
Pledge for 2024

Grace City started with a vision to see thousands of disciples throughout Sydney and beyond radically committed to the cause of Christ. While we are still a long way off seeing the vision become a reality, God has been very gracious to us over the years.

In 2023, we greatly rejoiced in seeing the faithful grow in their love for Jesus and seeing people who didn’t know Christ get to know His amazing love for the first time. We have welcomed over 100 people into membership at church and under God, we will continue to pursue this vision in 2024, but we need your help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Making a formal financial pledge is not only helpful for church budgeting and preparations, it is also good for your soul. Being generous with our finances helps us to be stretched in our faith and to trust in God for his provision in all aspects of our lives.

All pledges and donations are confidential. The only people involved in processing pledges and donations will be: Tim Clemens (Lead Pastor), Irwin Tan (Treasurer at Grace City) and select members of the Finance Team. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

You will be contacted within a month acknowledging your pledge and praising God for your generosity. Unless requested otherwise, you will also receive an update on the progress of your pledge next year. The purpose of this update is just to be helpful, nothing else.

If you are unable to contribute the full amount of your pledge for any reason, you will not be chased. We understand that life can be unpredictable. In the event that this does happen, it is helpful (but not essential) to let our Treasurer, Irwin Tan, know. You can reach him at treasurer@gracecity.com.au.

Giving helps others and changes us

It makes us more like our generous God!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (John 3:16)