Grace City Articles

Helping Children be Servant-Hearted

  / August 14, 2024

1. Talk to children about “why”: It’s important that children understand why we serve. We serve because as disciples of Jesus, we are called to reflect Christ in serving others.  We also serve because we are members of one body and each have unique gifts to bless others (1 Corinthians 12). This is true for children who are disciples of Jesus as well! We don’t serve to get praise or because we want to build ourselves up. Serving builds our love for God, and is how God grows His children’s hearts to reflect His.

2. Talk about church as family: Children do their part to serve their family at home, either by packing away toys, setting the table, or putting things in the bin. Likewise, children are valued members of the church family, so serving is how they can live that out. As children serve, this also grows their sense of belonging to their local church.

3. Serve as a family: Children are incredibly perceptive. They often imitate their parents, like when they pretend to put dolls to bed, or want to help with “adult chores”. As such, bring children along to serve together as a family at church. If you’re on welcoming in the morning, have children welcome too, or if you are setting up the auditorium, have children help too. Let children see you serve, to model to them the deep value and importance of serving.

4. Celebrate the people who serve: Have children thank their leaders at kids church who serve them and those who serve at church, like those who set up, or serve morning tea. We want to demonstrate to children that serving is valuable and important, by honouring the people who serve.

5: Serving happens formally and informally: Children serving happens in lots of ways, not simply in formal capacities. Children can serve in formal areas, and also in informally. At kids church, children serve in lots of different ways, like by helping to pack the toys away, or by helping their leaders to distribute the cups and bowls for morning tea. 

6. Help children find their place in serving: Look for different opportunities that children can serve at kids church. Have them serve by welcoming new members, setting up the speakers, reading the Bible, praying upfront, or packing things away. Ask children the ways that they would like to serve, and help them by chatting with their leaders about it.

7. Preparation: Speak with children to prepare them for serving throughout the week. Role play welcoming a new visitor at kids church, or speak with them about looking out for signs that another child might be feeling left out. 

8. Encourage children when they do serve: Celebrate moments when children serve. Remind them that their service is first to God; when they serve, they are building God’s kingdom. 

9. Build serving into the rhythm of the week: Make coming to church and serving to be a part of children’s regular weeks. Where possible, avoid arranging playdates or parties during church gathering times. Make serving and coming along to church something that is a non-negotiable part of the week. 

10. Partnership between parents and leaders: Speak together about the ways that children would like to get involved with serving, and look for ways that it can happen. When picking up or dropping off children for kids church, speak together about how children can be serving. Celebrate the ways that children serve informally and informally. Children don’t just live out serving at church, but at home as well.